Author List: McLeod Jr., Raymond; Fuerst, William L.;
MIS Quarterly, 1982, Volume 6, Issue 3, Page 45-54.
MIS managers generally have not stressed the marketing aspects of their operations. A more widespread concern is with the shortage of systems analyst and programmer resources. In an effort to learn how one group of MIS managers views their marketing responsibilities and practices in a shortage era, a study was conducted and the results were used to describe both short term and long term MIS marketing plans. These plans are developed by identifying critical areas in the organization in light of corporate objectives, user needs, and MIS resources.
Keywords: Corporate computing facility; demarketing; marketing; marketing mix; marketing plan; marketing strategy; MIS manager; resource shortage; target market

List of Topics

#255 0.266 mis management article resources sciences developing organization future recommendations procedures informing organizational assessment professional groups area improving conference evaluate activity
#67 0.143 production manufacturing marketing information performance systems level impact plant model monitor does strategies 500 unit present fortune integrated sales plants
#68 0.142 business units study unit executives functional managers technology linkage need areas information long-term operations plans mission large understand knowledge current
#159 0.113 systems information objectives organization organizational development variety needs need efforts technical organizations developing suggest given effective designing lack help recent
#150 0.073 issues management systems information key managers executives senior corporate important importance survey critical corporations multinational managing interviews study results concerns
#23 0.070 channel distribution demand channels sales products long travel tail new multichannel available product implications strategy allows internet revenue technologies times