Author List: Ives, Blake; Olson, Margrethe H.;
MIS Quarterly, 1981, Volume 5, Issue 4, Page 49-63.
The role of the information systems manager has evolved in twenty years from that of a technician managing a relatively unimportant service function into that of a vice presidential-level, general manager whose department can substantially impact the entire organization. In this article we trace, by example, the historical evolution of the job, and through an observational study of six information systems managers, examine the position today. The analysis includes the daily activities of the managers, the nature of the oral contacts that constitute 76% of their day, and other notable observations. The information systems manager's role is depicted as one of coordinator, motivator, and planner, with a cadre of experts, both internal and external, who provide technical expertise.
Keywords: administration of computer centers.; information resource management; Managing computing; observing managers

List of Topics

#240 0.430 systems information management development presented function article discussed model personnel general organization described presents finally computer-based role examined functional components
#88 0.214 managers managerial manager decisions study middle use important manager's appropriate importance context organizations indicate field experience management major organizational results
#26 0.101 business large organizations using work changing rapidly make today's available designed need increasingly recent manage years activity important allow achieve
#102 0.051 choice type functions nature paper literature particular implications function examine specific choices extent theoretical design discussion value widely finally adopted