Author List: Hackathorn, Richard D.; Keen, Peter G.W.;
MIS Quarterly, 1981, Volume 5, Issue 3, Page 21-27.
This article suggests a strategy for using Personal Computing to provide decision support to individuals within an organizational context. The growing phenomenon of personal computing is recognized as a valid technological base for providing decision support to individuals. However, the challenge is the exploitation of this capability within an organizational context. In particular, personal computing raises many management control issues. The article suggests a useful distinction between personal decision support and organizational decision support. This distinction is critical in formulating a strategy for personal support within the organizational context.
Keywords: decision support systems; personal computing; organizational theory

List of Topics

#57 0.285 decision support systems making design models group makers integrated article delivery representation portfolio include selection effective claims decisions rationale various
#83 0.200 personal computers use lead order using users pcs innovativeness understanding professional help forces gained usage increase trends parallel introduced expressed
#1 0.188 organizational organizations effectiveness factors managers model associated context characteristics variables paper relationships level attention environmental technological based maturity organization's relationship
#248 0.159 computing end-user center support euc centers management provided users user services organizations end satisfaction applications article ibm step field policies
#10 0.090 strategies strategy based effort paper different findings approach suggest useful choice specific attributes explain effective affect employ particular online control