Author List: Barbosa, L. C.; Hirko, R. G.;
MIS Quarterly, 1980, Volume 4, Issue 1, Page 1/12/2017.
This article reports on an application for which a districting algorithm was integrated into an existing decision support system. From this experience a set of guidelines was derived which may be helpful to the system designer who has a similar task. These guidelines aim to improve the interface, feedback, flexibility, and control of the integrated system.
Keywords: aids for decision making; algorithmic aids; Decision support systems

List of Topics

#57 0.435 decision support systems making design models group makers integrated article delivery representation portfolio include selection effective claims decisions rationale various
#46 0.225 perceived transparency control design enjoyment experience study diagnosticity improve features develop consequences showing user experiential providing antecedents interface effects economy
#97 0.124 set approach algorithm optimal used develop results use simulation experiments algorithms demonstrate proposed optimization present analytical distribution selection number existing