Author List: Dey, Debrata; Seidmann, Abraham;
Information Systems Research, 1994, Volume 5, Issue 3, Page 275-293.
Benchmarking is the quantitative method most commonly used when managers contemplate procuring a large business information system. It consists of running a group of representative applications on the systems offered by vendors to validate their claims. The implementation of benchmarking can be very costly, as users need to convert, run, and test applications on several partially compatible computer systems. Benchmarking works well in modern database management systems (DBMS)-oriented applications because the system performance is more a function of the database structure and activities than of the complexity of the application code. Earlier research focused primarily on designing various benchmarks for database systems; the decision problem associated with finding an optimal mix of benchmarks has largely been overlooked. In this paper, we examine the problem of defining the most economical process for generating and evaluating the appropriate mix of benchmarks to be used across the contending information systems. Our analytical approach considers information-gathering priorities, acquisition and execution costs, resource consumption, and overall time requirements. We present a multiobjective decision-making approach for deriving the optimal mix of benchmarks; this approach reflects the major organizational objectives in more than simple one-dimensional numerical terms. A practical example illustrates the utility of this approach for evaluating a client-server relational database system.
Keywords: multicriteria decision making (MCDM);goal programming;database benchmarking

List of Topics

#44 0.174 approach analysis application approaches new used paper methodology simulation traditional techniques systems process based using proposed method present provides various
#159 0.156 systems information objectives organization organizational development variety needs need efforts technical organizations developing suggest given effective designing lack help recent
#281 0.108 database language query databases natural data queries relational processing paper using request views access use matching automated semantic based languages
#240 0.103 systems information management development presented function article discussed model personnel general organization described presents finally computer-based role examined functional components
#22 0.097 software vendors vendor saas patch cloud release model vulnerabilities time patching overall quality delivery software-as-a-service high need security vulnerability actually
#81 0.097 applications application reasoning approach cases support hypertext case-based prototype problems consistency developed benchmarking described efficient practical address activity demonstrate effective
#151 0.058 costs cost switching reduce transaction increase benefits time economic production transactions savings reduction impact services reduced affect expected optimal associated