Author List: Adomavicius, Gediminas; Bockstedt, Jesse C.; Gupta, Alok;
Information Systems Research, 2012, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page 397-417.
Prior IS research on technological change has focused primarily on organizational information systems and technology innovation; however, there is a growing need to understand the dynamics of supply-side forces in the introduction of new technologies. In this paper we investigate how the interdependencies among information technology components, products, and infrastructure affect the release of new technologies. Going beyond the ad hoc heuristic approaches applied in previous studies, we empirically validate the existence of several patterns of supply-side technology relationships in the context of wireless networking. We use vector autoregression (VAR) to model the comovements of new component, product, and infrastructure introductions and provide evidence of strong Granger-causal interdependencies. We also demonstrate that substantial improvements in forecasting can be gained by incorporating these cross-level effects into models of technological change. This paper provides some of the first research that empirically demonstrates these cross-level effects and also provides an exposition of VAR methodology for both analysis and forecasting in IS research.
Keywords: information systems and technology trends; supply-side forces; technological change; technology ecosystems; technology forecasting; time series analysis; vector autoregression

List of Topics

#35 0.230 technology organizational information organizations organization new work perspective innovation processes used technological understanding technologies transformation consequences perspectives use administrative economic
#98 0.123 platform platforms dynamics ecosystem greater generation open ecosystems evolution two-sided technologies investigate generations migration services implications interplay disruptive control markets
#285 0.113 effects effect research data studies empirical information literature different interaction analysis implications findings results important set large provide using paper
#136 0.098 expectations expectation music disconfirmation sales analysis vector experiences modeling response polynomial surface discuss panel new nonlinear period understand paper dissonance
#226 0.062 models linear heterogeneity path nonlinear forecasting unobserved alternative modeling methods different dependence paths efficient distribution probabilities demonstrate observed heterogeneous probability
#17 0.057 empirical model relationships causal framework theoretical construct results models terms paper relationship based argue proposed literature issues assumptions provide suggest
#16 0.056 infrastructure information flexibility new paper technology building infrastructures flexible development human creating provide despite challenge possible resources specific advances developing
#155 0.050 technology research information individual context acceptance use technologies suggests need better personality factors new traits telemedicine adoption examined does management