Author List: Xue, Ling; Ray, Gautam; Gu, Bin;
Information Systems Research, 2011, Volume 22, Issue 2, Page 389-399.
Extant research considers the IT governance choice to be a trade-off between the cost-efficiency of centralization and the responsiveness provided by local information processing. This view predicts that firms tend to decentralize IT governance in more uncertain environments. We investigate this issue by studying the relationship between environmental uncertainty and IT infrastructure governance in a sample of business units from Fortune 1000 companies. The key proposition in this paper is that the relationship between environmental uncertainty and decentralization in IT infrastructure governance is best characterized as a curvilinear relationship. That is, when environmental uncertainty increases from low to high, firms tend to first decentralize their IT infrastructure decisions to the business units to enhance their responsiveness; and then centralize their IT infrastructure decisions to the headquarters as uncertainty increases further, to achieve the benefits of coordination and to mitigate the potential agency problem in uncertain environments. Moreover, the study proposes that business unrelatedness between business units and their headquarters moderates the curvilinear relationship between environmental uncertainty and IT infrastructure governance. We find that both the propositions are supported by the data.
Keywords: agency theory; environmental uncertainty; IT infrastructure governance

List of Topics

#165 0.373 uncertainty contingency integration environmental theory data fit key using model flexibility perspective environment perspectives high conditions processing examine issue uncertain
#59 0.192 capabilities capability firm firms performance resources business information technology firm's resource-based competitive it-enabled view study value infrastructure results organizational model
#293 0.156 values culture relationship paper proposes mixed responsiveness revealed specific considers deployment results fragmentation simultaneously challenges explain attribute building indicated obtain
#76 0.124 governance relational mechanisms bpo rights process coordination outsourcing contractual arrangements technology benefits view informal business formal exchange hybrid complementarity flexibility