Author List: Liu, Dengpan; Sarkar, Sumit; Sriskandarajah, Chelliah;
Information Systems Research, 2010, Volume 21, Issue 2, Page 227-248.
One of the distinctive features of sites on the Internet is their ability to gather enormous amounts of information about their visitors and to use this information to enhance a visitor's experience by providing personalized information or recommendations. In providing personalized services, a website is typically faced with the following trade-off: When serving a visitor's request, it can deliver an optimally personalized version of the content to the visitor, possibly with a long delay because of the computational effort needed, or it can deliver a suboptimal version of the content more quickly. This problem becomes more complex when several requests are waiting for information from a server. The website then needs to trade off the benefit from providing more personalized content to each user with the negative externalities associated with higher waiting costs for all other visitors that have requests pending. We examine several deterministic resource allocation policies in such personalization contexts. We identify an optimal policy for the above problem when requests to be scheduled are batched, and show that the policy can be very efficiently implemented in practice. We provide an experimental approach to determine optimal batch lengths, and demonstrate that it performs favorably when compared with viable queueing approaches.
Keywords: batching; delay externality; queueing; recommendation systems; scheduling; user profiling

List of Topics

#97 0.197 set approach algorithm optimal used develop results use simulation experiments algorithms demonstrate proposed optimization present analytical distribution selection number existing
#13 0.139 personalization content personalized willingness web pay online likelihood information consumers cues customers consumer services elaboration preference experiment framing customized timing
#112 0.109 services service network effects optimal online pricing strategies model provider provide externalities providing base providers fee complementary demand offer derive
#278 0.098 website users websites technostress stress time online wait delay aesthetics user model image elements longer waiting appeal attract utility internet
#281 0.086 database language query databases natural data queries relational processing paper using request views access use matching automated semantic based languages
#77 0.085 information systems paper use design case important used context provide presented authors concepts order number various underlying implementation framework nature
#19 0.074 content providers sharing incentive delivery provider net incentives internet service neutrality broadband allow capacity congestion revenue cost efficient enhanced provides
#31 0.068 problem problems solution solving problem-solving solutions reasoning heuristic theorizing rules solve general generating complex example formulation heuristics effective given finding