Author List: Sykes, Tracy Ann;
MIS Quarterly, 2015, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 437-495.
Despite the impressive progress in understanding the benefits and challenges related to enterprise system (ES) implementationsÑsuch as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systemsÑlittle is known about how the support structures traditionally used by organizations to help employees cope with a new ES affect employee outcomes related to the system and their jobs. Likewise, little is known about how existing peer advice ties in the business unit influence these outcomes after an ES implementation. Understanding employee outcomes is critical because of their ramifications for long-term ES success. This paper examines the impacts of four traditional support structures (namely, training, online support, help desk support, and change management support), and peer advice ties on four key employee outcomes (namely, system satisfaction, job stress, job satisfaction, and job performance). This paper also seeks to show that it is peer advice ties that best fill the complex informational needs of employees after an ES implementation by providing the right information at the right time and in the right context. The proposed model was tested in a field study conducted in one business unit of a large telecommunications company and gathered data from 120 supplier liaisons over the course of a year. Both traditional support structures and peer advice ties were found to influence the various outcomes, even after controlling for pre-implementation levels of the dependent variables. In all cases, peer advice ties was the strongest predictor, thus underscoring the importance of this critical internal resource.
Keywords: Enterprise systems; ES implementation; peer advice ties

List of Topics

#251 0.417 implementation erp enterprise systems resource planning outcomes support business associated understanding benefits implemented advice key implementing scope functional post-implementation implementations
#298 0.142 job employees satisfaction work role turnover employee organizations organizational information ambiguity characteristics personnel stress professionals conflict organization intention variables systems
#198 0.130 factors success information critical management implementation study factor successful systems support quality variables related results key model csf importance determinants
#228 0.098 internet peer used access web influence traditional fraud world ecology services impact cases wide home studies addition choice 2008 telephone
#279 0.065 field work changes new years time change major period year end use past early century half traditional areas established strong