Author List: O'Leary, Michael Boyer; Wilson, Jeanne M.; Metiu, Anca;
MIS Quarterly, 2014, Volume 38, Issue 4, Page 1219-1243.
Using a mixed-methods approach, we develop the concept of perceived proximity, which is created through communication, shared identity, and the symbolic aspects thereof. Building on previous theoretical work, we create and validate measures of perceived proximity. Then, we compare how perceived proximity and objective distance relate to relationship quality for collocated and geographically dispersed work colleagues. Our results show that perceived proximity (i.e., a cognitive and affective sense of relational closeness) and not physical proximity (i.e., geographic closeness measured in miles or kilometers) affects relationship quality in an international survey of more than 600 people and 1,300 dyadic work relationships. We also find that people’s perceptions of proximity mediate the effects of communication and identification on relationship quality. Using qualitative data (2,289 comments from 1,188 respondents coded into 9 themes), we explore the symbolic meaning of perceived proximity. We show how people can form strong bonds despite being separated by large distances and continue to shift the emphasis from information systems as “pipes” or channels to information systems as vehicles for conveying shared meaning and symbolic value. Our findings have important implications for scholars, managers, systems designers, and members of virtual teams, teleworkers, and other geographically dispersed contexts.
Keywords: Proximity; distance; relationships; symbolic action; geographically dispersed work; virtual work; telework; virtual teams; dyads; mixed methods

List of Topics

#258 0.278 information proximity message seeking perceived distance communication overload context geographic dispersed higher geographically task contexts recipient face-to-face temporal safe dyadic
#87 0.134 team teams virtual members communication distributed performance global role task cognition develop technology involved time individual's affects project geographically individuals
#259 0.122 identity norms identification symbolic community help sense european social important verification set identities form obtained properties deterioration mixed match emphasis
#25 0.088 relationships relationship relational information interfirm level exchange relations perspective model paper interpersonal expertise theory study effects literature role social identify
#146 0.087 work people workers environment monitoring performance organizations needs physical useful number personal balance perceptions create computer-based technological technologies investigation achievement
#150 0.062 issues management systems information key managers executives senior corporate important importance survey critical corporations multinational managing interviews study results concerns
#289 0.061 qualitative methods quantitative approaches approach selection analysis criteria used mixed methodological aspects recent selecting combining known conclusions included article appropriateness