Author List: Fichman, Robert G.; Santos, Brian L. Dos; Zheng, Zhiqiang (Eric);
MIS Quarterly, 2014, Volume 38, Issue 2, Page 329-343.
The 50-year march of Moore’s Law has led to the creation of a relatively cheap and increasingly easy-to-use world-wide digital infrastructure of computers, mobile devices, broadband network connections, and advanced application platforms. This digital infrastructure has, in turn, accelerated the emergence of new technologies that enable transformations in how we live and work, how companies organize, and the structure of entire industries.
Keywords: Fundamental and powerful concepts (FPC); digital innovation; IS core course; pedagogy

List of Topics

#240 0.198 systems information management development presented function article discussed model personnel general organization described presents finally computer-based role examined functional components
#178 0.193 digital divide use access artifacts internet inequality libraries shift library increasingly everyday societies understand world initiative initiatives embedded community dimensions
#160 0.171 mobile telecommunications devices wireless application computing physical voice phones purchases ubiquitous applications conceptualization secure pervasive differential usability increasing local location
#35 0.124 technology organizational information organizations organization new work perspective innovation processes used technological understanding technologies transformation consequences perspectives use administrative economic
#16 0.102 infrastructure information flexibility new paper technology building infrastructures flexible development human creating provide despite challenge possible resources specific advances developing
#176 0.085 e-commerce value returns initiatives market study announcements stock event abnormal companies significant growth positive using methodology investments period time initiative