Author List: Tullio, Dany Di; Staples, D. Sandy;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2013, Volume 30, Issue 3, Page 49-80.
A comprehensive set of governance mechanisms and dimensions were investigated to identify combinations of mechanisms that are effectively used together in on-going volunteer-based open source software (OSS) projects. Three configurations were identified: Defined Community, Open Community, and Authoritarian Community. Notably, Defined Community governance had the strongest coordination and project climate and had the most extensive use of outcome, behavior, and clan control mechanisms (controller driven). The controls in the Defined Community governance configuration appear to effectively enable open, coordinated contribution and participation from a wide variety of talented developers (one of the virtues of open source development) while managing the development process and outcomes. The results add to our theoretical understanding of control in different types of information systems projects, as the combination of control modes found in OSS projects is different from those found in previous research for internal or outsourced information systems development projects. This could be due to unique features of OSS projects, such as volunteer participation and the controller being part of the development team. The results provide guidance for practitioners about how to combine 19 identified governance mechanisms into effective project governance that stimulates productive participation.
Keywords: configuration theory; control modes and mechanisms; control theory; coordination; development activity; governance; IS development; open source software projects; OSS; project climate

List of Topics

#273 0.279 source open software oss development developers projects developer proprietary community success openness impact paper project associated activity phenomenon peripheral variety
#280 0.214 control controls formal systems mechanisms modes clan informal used internal literature outsourced outcome theory configuration attempts evolution authority complementary little
#135 0.135 project projects development management isd results process team developed managers teams software stakeholders successful complex develop contingencies problems greater planning
#76 0.133 governance relational mechanisms bpo rights process coordination outsourcing contractual arrangements technology benefits view informal business formal exchange hybrid complementarity flexibility
#292 0.080 information research literature systems framework review paper theoretical based potential future implications practice discussed current concept propositions findings provided extant
#269 0.062 participation activities different roles projects examined outcomes level benefits conditions key importance isd suggest situations contextual furthermore benefit levels focus