Author List: Dulipovici, Alina; Robey, Daniel;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2013, Volume 29, Issue 4, Page 103-126.
To derive more business value from existing organizational knowledge, many organizations seek to rely on strategically aligned knowledge management systems (KMS). However, as documented in prior studies, they often underestimate the challenges about social interactions and users' perceptions in response to new information systems. Based on an interpretive case study, this paper examines the implementation of a KMS to show how social representations of four groups of users resulted in the misalignment of the KMS with the organizational strategy. The social representation lens allows us to interpret strategic alignment in terms of dynamic processes of anchoring and objectification that aid individuals and groups to make sense of KMS initiatives. The groups studied developed different cognitive views of the KMS that ultimately led to a strategic misalignment. The key implication is that social interactions within and among groups shape KMS alignment with organizational strategy, thus elucidating the nature of system use.
Keywords: interpretive research; IS alignment; IS implementation; knowledge management system; social representation

List of Topics

#229 0.183 alignment strategic business strategy performance technology value organizational orientation relationship information misalignment matched goals perspective fit firms executives argue need
#53 0.177 knowledge application management domain processes kms systems study different use domains role comprehension effective types draw scope furthermore level levels
#185 0.117 change organizational implementation case study changes management organizations technology organization analysis successful success equilibrium radical efforts initiatives managing resistance individuals
#266 0.095 information presentation graphics format systems graphical graphs design recall representation comprehension experimental presentations experiment presented variables formats graphic tabular led
#234 0.094 social networks influence presence interactions network media networking diffusion implications individuals people results exchange paper sites evidence self-disclosure important examine
#238 0.094 shared contribution groups understanding contributions group contribute work make members experience phenomenon largely central key common especially major conceptualizing study
#82 0.056 case study studies paper use research analysis interpretive identify qualitative approach understanding critical development managerial elements exploring points positivist presents
#284 0.055 users user new resistance likely benefits potential perspective status actual behavior recognition propose user's social associated existing base using acceptance