Author List: Levina, Natalia;
Information Systems Research, 2005, Volume 16, Issue 2, Page 109-130.
Growth of Web-based applications has drawn a great number of diverse stakeholders and specialists into the information systems development (ISD) practice. Marketing, strategy, and graphic design professionals have joined technical developers, business managers, and users in the development of Web-based applications. Often, these specialists work for different organizations with distinct histories and cultures. A longitudinal, qualitative field study of a Web-based application development project was undertaken to develop an in-depth understanding of the collaborative practices that unfold among diverse professionals on ISD projects. The paper proposes that multiparty collaborative practice can be understood as constituting a "collective reflection-in- action" cycle through which an information systems (IS) design emerges as a result of agents producing, sharing, and reflecting on explicit objects. Depending on their control over the various economic and cultural (intellectual) resources brought to the project and developed on the project, agents influence the design in distinctive ways. They use this control to either "add to," "ignore," or "challenge" the work produced by others. Which of these modes of collective reflection-in-action are enacted on the project influences whose expertise will be reflected in the final design. Implications for the study of boundary objects, multiparty collaboration, and organizational learning in contemporary ISD are drawn.
Keywords: critical perspectives on IT; ethnographic research; interpretive research; management of IS projects; outsourcing; system design and implementation

List of Topics

#237 0.260 boundary practices capacity new boundaries use practice absorptive organizational technology work field multiple study objects actors actor theory practical spanning
#135 0.187 project projects development management isd results process team developed managers teams software stakeholders successful complex develop contingencies problems greater planning
#127 0.088 systems information research theory implications practice discussed findings field paper practitioners role general important key grounded researchers domain new identified
#294 0.084 development systems methodology methodologies information framework approach approaches paper analysis use presented applied assumptions based proposed described examines basis proposes
#134 0.068 users end use professionals user organizations applications needs packages findings perform specialists technical computing direct future selection ability help software
#265 0.064 collaborative groups feedback group work collective individuals higher effects efficacy perceived tasks members environment writing experiment did task intelligence compared
#270 0.058 design designs science principles research designers supporting forms provide designing improving address case little space criteria methods increasing synthesis designer