Author List: Poltrock, Steven; Handel, Mark;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2010, Volume 27, Issue 1, Page 97-122.
The article discusses two basic models of collaborative teamwork, comparing their relative merits in terms of technology-based collaboration and the social aspects of information systems. The models are termed ostensive and performative. The ostensive approach defines how things should be done, and is said to be useful for analysis, documentation, simulation and automation. The performative approach focuses on observing actual practices, and is recommended for discovering innovative methods for using existing systems as well as monitoring deviations from normative practice.
Keywords: collaboration;coordination theory;modeling;social network models;temporal models;workflow

List of Topics

#86 0.220 methods information systems approach using method requirements used use developed effective develop determining research determine assessment useful series critical existing
#65 0.146 article information author discusses comments technology paper presents states explains editor's authors issue focuses topics include suggests systems role editorial
#296 0.126 collaboration support collaborative facilitation gss process processes technology group organizations engineering groupware facilitators use work tool address practitioners focused develop
#111 0.124 e-government collective sociomaterial material institutions actors practice particular organizational routines practices relations mindfulness different analysis ways draw agencies drawing ideas
#191 0.112 model models process analysis paper management support used environment decision provides based develop use using help literature mathematical presented formulation