Author List: Carmel, Erran; Espinosa, J. Alberto; Dubinsky, Yael;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2010, Volume 27, Issue 1, Page 17-37.
The article discusses follow-the-sun (FTS) projects, in which teams around the world pass software development tasks to teams in other time zones, so the project will be worked on 24 hours per day. The topic is analyzed in terms of the social aspects of information systems. The authors present 12 propositions regarding efficiency and coordination issues which are typically associated with the FTS method. The primary factors in making FTS successful are said to be efficiency in terms of scheduling and handing off work, and coordination within and between the work sites.
Keywords: calendar-efficient software development;global coordination;round-the-clock development;software development;software handoff efficiency;time to market

List of Topics

#26 0.186 business large organizations using work changing rapidly make today's available designed need increasingly recent manage years activity important allow achieve
#65 0.172 article information author discusses comments technology paper presents states explains editor's authors issue focuses topics include suggests systems role editorial
#87 0.153 team teams virtual members communication distributed performance global role task cognition develop technology involved time individual's affects project geographically individuals
#256 0.095 coordination mechanisms work contingencies boundaries temporal coordinating vertical associated activities different coordinate suggests dispersed coordinated horizontal relative demand spatial hours
#135 0.090 project projects development management isd results process team developed managers teams software stakeholders successful complex develop contingencies problems greater planning
#17 0.064 empirical model relationships causal framework theoretical construct results models terms paper relationship based argue proposed literature issues assumptions provide suggest