Author List: Montoya, Mitzi M.; Massey, Anne P.; Khatri, Vijay;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2010, Volume 26, Issue 4, Page 65-85.
The importance of building relationships with customers and trust in the services provider is well documented in the marketing literature. Conceptually, we extend this logic to the context of internal information technology (IT) services operations through the notion of the service delivery chain. The purpose of the study is to examine how key service mechanisms in operational IT implementation are related to employee perceptions of actual system benefits and trust in the IT services provider. We report on a study with 380 employees of 14 bank affiliates that were recently acquired by a bank holding company. The focus of the study is on postimplementation trust rather than preimplementation or initial trust, and the service provider is viewed as the object of trust rather than the technology. Our findings suggest that training, trial, and social influence are key service mechanisms an IT services provider can use to stimulate trust in the IT services provider and the realization of system benefits.
Keywords: IT services; mandated systems; relational trust; service delivery chain; service mechanisms

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