Author List: Liang, Ting-peng; Tanniru, Mohan;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2006, Volume 23, Issue 3, Page 9/15/2017.
This article reports on the changing nature of Information Systems (IS) with regards to the internet. The authors suggest that the internet revolution upended tractional models of the customer/producer relationship. The internet has forced organizations to be more customer-centric, in particular, the way organizations disseminate information. The authors regard customer-centric IS as increasingly important and one that factors in customers, process, technology and product/service to maximize customer satisfaction.

List of Topics

#26 0.288 business large organizations using work changing rapidly make today's available designed need increasingly recent manage years activity important allow achieve
#105 0.200 information issue special systems article introduction editorial including discusses published section articles reports various presented technology management topics introduction.the
#288 0.145 customer customers crm relationship study loyalty marketing management profitability service offer retention it-enabled web-based interactions operations sales strategy channels set
#253 0.132 user involvement development users satisfaction systems relationship specific results successful process attitude participative implementation effective application authors suggested user's contingency
#17 0.101 empirical model relationships causal framework theoretical construct results models terms paper relationship based argue proposed literature issues assumptions provide suggest
#228 0.078 internet peer used access web influence traditional fraud world ecology services impact cases wide home studies addition choice 2008 telephone