Author List: Tiwana, Amrit; Mclean, Ephraim R.;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2005, Volume 22, Issue 1, Page 13-43.
This paper addresses the understudied issue of how individually held expertise in information systems development (ISD) teams results in creativity at the team level during the development process. We develop the idea that team creativity results primarily from integration of individually held expertise of team members at the team level. We further propose the quality of intrateam relationships and knowledge complementarities that align the work of individual team members at the project level influence creativity primarily through the process of expertise integration. We use data from a field study of 142 participants in 42 ISD projects to test the proposed model. The paper makes three new contributions to the IS literature. Its key contribution lies in developing an expertise integration view of team creativity. We demonstrate the centrality of integrating individually held tacit and explicit knowledge about the problem domain and the technology at the team level in achieving team creativity. The use of a process-focused conceptualization of team creativity is especially noteworthy here. The second contribution of the paper lies in conceptually developing and operationalizing the concept of expertise integration, a mechanism by which individually held knowledge is integratively applied at the project level. Although the importance of knowledge in the ISD process is widely recognized in prior research, this is the first study to develop the concept in a operationally meaningful way. The third key contribution lies in showing that the compositional and relational attributes of ISD project teams--diverse specialized knowledge in a team, the quality of intrateam working relationships, and members' cross-domain absorptive capacity--do not engender creativity by themselves; they do so primarily because they enhance integration of individual knowledge at the project level. We offer empirical evidence for such full mediation. These findings have important theoretical and practical implications, which are discussed in the paper.
Keywords: absorptive capacity; creativity; expertise integration; information systems development; information systems innovation; knowledge integration; knowledge management; knowledge transfer; software development

List of Topics

#127 0.174 systems information research theory implications practice discussed findings field paper practitioners role general important key grounded researchers domain new identified
#25 0.171 relationships relationship relational information interfirm level exchange relations perspective model paper interpersonal expertise theory study effects literature role social identify
#135 0.147 project projects development management isd results process team developed managers teams software stakeholders successful complex develop contingencies problems greater planning
#144 0.112 knowledge transfer management technology creation organizational process tacit research study organization processes work organizations implications practice explicit models consultants transfers
#87 0.080 team teams virtual members communication distributed performance global role task cognition develop technology involved time individual's affects project geographically individuals
#106 0.079 integration present offer processes integrating current discuss perspectives related quality literature integrated benefits measures potential regarding issues finally taken propose
#110 0.079 theory theories theoretical paper new understanding work practical explain empirical contribution phenomenon literature second implications different building based insights need
#142 0.076 creativity ideas idea creative individual generation techniques individuals problem support cognitive ideation stimuli memory generate enhance generated solutions solving quality