Author List: Sharda, Ramesh; Jr., Nicholas C. Romano; LUCCA, JOYCE A.; Weiser, Mark; SCHEETS, GEORGE; CHUNG, JONG-MOON;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2004, Volume 20, Issue 4, Page 31-63.
The dramatic increase in distance learning (DL) enrollments in higher education is likely to continue. However, research on DL, which includes psychomotor, cognitive, and affective skills, is virtually nonexistent. Indeed, DL for psychomotor skills has been viewed as impossible. Laboratory coursework, which we define as including the acquisition of psychomotor, cognitive, and affective skills, has become a limiting factor in the growth of DL. What is needed is a synergistic integration of technologies and human-computer interface (HCI) principles from computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), collaborative learning systems, and immersive presence technologies to enable achievement of psychomotor learning objectives. This paper defines the computer-supported collaborative learning requiring immersive presence (CSCLIP) research area, provides a theoretical foundation for CSCLIP, and develops an agenda for research in CSCLIP to establish a foundation for the study of this emerging area. It also briefly describes a CSCLIP-based telecommunications lab currently under development. CSCLIP is presented as a major research opportunity for information systems researchers interested in empirical research as well as technical development.
Keywords: computer-supported collaborative learning requiring immersive presence (CSCLIP); distance learning (DL); immersive presence (IP); psychomotor learning objectives; situated learning

List of Topics

#120 0.224 virtual world worlds co-creation flow users cognitive life settings environment place environments augmented second intention spatial interactivity ownership objects immersive
#95 0.210 learning mental conceptual new learn situated development working assumptions improve ess existing investigates capture advanced proposes types context building acquisition
#222 0.149 research researchers framework future information systems important present agenda identify areas provide understanding contributions using literature studies paper potential review
#12 0.089 students education student course teaching schools curriculum faculty future experience educational university undergraduate mba business technologies graduate courses programs subjects
#159 0.070 systems information objectives organization organizational development variety needs need efforts technical organizations developing suggest given effective designing lack help recent
#265 0.066 collaborative groups feedback group work collective individuals higher effects efficacy perceived tasks members environment writing experiment did task intelligence compared
#283 0.051 interface user users interaction design visual interfaces human-computer navigation human need cues studies guidelines laboratory functional developed restricted know guided