Author List: Purao, Sandeep; Storey, Veda C.; Han, Taedong;
Information Systems Research, 2003, Volume 14, Issue 3, Page 269-290.
Conceptual design is an important, but difficult, phase of systems development. Analysis patterns can greatly benefit this phase because they capture abstractions of situations that occur frequently in conceptual modeling. Naïve approaches to automate conceptual design with reuse of analysis patterns have had limited success because they do not emulate the learning that occurs over time. This research develops learning mechanisms for improving analysis pattern reuse in conceptual design. The learning mechanisms employ supervised learning techniques to support the generic reuse tasks of retrieval, adaptation, and integration, and emulate expert behaviors of analogy making and designing by assembly. They are added to a naïve approach and the augmented methodology implemented as an intelligent assistant to a designer for generating an initial conceptual design that a developer may refine. To assess the potential of the methodology to benefit practice, empirical testing is carried out on multiple domains and tasks of different sizes. The results suggest that the methodology has the potential to benefit practice.
Keywords: Reuse;Design Automation;Object-Oriented Systems;Learning Mechanisms;Conceptual Design;Analysis Patterns;APSARA;Software Development

List of Topics

#44 0.200 approach analysis application approaches new used paper methodology simulation traditional techniques systems process based using proposed method present provides various
#270 0.146 design designs science principles research designers supporting forms provide designing improving address case little space criteria methods increasing synthesis designer
#95 0.135 learning mental conceptual new learn situated development working assumptions improve ess existing investigates capture advanced proposes types context building acquisition
#137 0.117 phase study analysis business early large types phases support provided development practice effectively genres associated different sensemaking including form technologies
#61 0.106 reuse results anchoring potential strategy assets leading reusability incentives impact bias situations effect similarity existing extraction reusable improvement necessary enhancing
#230 0.094 adaptation patterns transition new adjustment different critical occur manner changes adapting concept novel temporary accomplish experience period managers transitions frequency
#129 0.081 expert systems knowledge knowledge-based human intelligent experts paper problem acquisition base used expertise intelligence domain inductive rules machine artificial task