Author List: Silver, Mark S.;
Information Systems Research, 1990, Volume 1, Issue 1, Page 47-70.
The Decision Support Systems (DSS) literature is in general agreement that use of DSS leads to individual and organizational change, but there is no consensus as to whether DSS and their designers serve as agents for directed or nondirected change. Researchers have proceeded from two different sets of premises, drawing different conclusions about the nature of DSS. This paper considers both views, examining how differences in designers' attitudes toward change agency ought to be manifest in the features of the DSS they implement. Two attributes of DSS, ''system restrictiveness" and "decisional guidance," are discussed as the basis for understanding differences in DSS following from differences in designer attitudes toward change. Using these two attributes, four DSS strategies for directed change and five strategies for nondirected change are presented.
Keywords: Change agency; Decision support systems; Decisional guidance; System restrictiveness

List of Topics

#113 0.388 support decision dss systems guidance process making environments decisional users features capabilities provide decision-making user paper findings systems.decision components computer-based
#10 0.172 strategies strategy based effort paper different findings approach suggest useful choice specific attributes explain effective affect employ particular online control
#185 0.124 change organizational implementation case study changes management organizations technology organization analysis successful success equilibrium radical efforts initiatives managing resistance individuals
#145 0.075 differences analysis different similar study findings based significant highly groups popular samples comparison similarities non-is variety reveals imitation versus suggests
#292 0.058 information research literature systems framework review paper theoretical based potential future implications practice discussed current concept propositions findings provided extant