Author List: Sierhuis, Maarten; Clancey, William J.; Seah, Chin; Trimble, Jay P.; Sims, Michael H.;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2003, Volume 19, Issue 4, Page 85-128.
Work system analysis and design is complex and nondeterministic. In this paper we describe Brahms, a multiagent modeling and simulation environment for designing complex interactions in human-machine systems. Brahms was originally conceived as a business process design tool that simulates work practices, including social systems of work. We describe our modeling and simulation method for mission operations work systems design, based on a research case study in which we used Brahms to design mission operations for a proposed discovery mission to the Moon. We then describe the results of an actual method application project--the Brahms Mars Exploration Rover. Space mission operations are similar to operations of traditional organizations; we show that the application of Brahms for space mission operations design is relevant and transferable to other types of business processes in organizations.
Keywords: agent languages; Business Process Modeling; mission operations design; Multiagent simulation; WORK PRACTICES

List of Topics

#44 0.332 approach analysis application approaches new used paper methodology simulation traditional techniques systems process based using proposed method present provides various
#68 0.256 business units study unit executives functional managers technology linkage need areas information long-term operations plans mission large understand knowledge current
#270 0.126 design designs science principles research designers supporting forms provide designing improving address case little space criteria methods increasing synthesis designer
#146 0.106 work people workers environment monitoring performance organizations needs physical useful number personal balance perceptions create computer-based technological technologies investigation achievement
#184 0.069 modeling models model business research paradigm components using representation extension logical set existing way aspects issues current integrated languages traditional