Author List: Easley, Robert F.; Devaraj, Sarv; Crant, J. Michael;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2003, Volume 19, Issue 4, Page 247-268.
Although team-based work systems are pervasive in the workplace, the use of collaborative systems designed to facilitate and support ongoing teamwork is a relatively recent development. An understanding of how teams embrace and use such collaborative systems--and the relationship of that usage to teamwork quality and team performance--is critical for organizational success. We present a theoretical model in which usage of a collaborative system intervenes between teamwork quality and team performance for tasks that are supported by the system. We empirically validate the model in a setting where established teams voluntarily used a collaborative system over a four-month period to perform tasks with measurable outcomes. Our principal finding is that collaborative system use intervenes between teamwork quality and performance for tasks supported by the system but not for unsupported tasks.
Keywords: Collaboration Technology; Collaborative systems; Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE); Group Support Systems (GSS); GROUPWARE; TEAM PERFORMANCE; TEAMWORK

List of Topics

#265 0.205 collaborative groups feedback group work collective individuals higher effects efficacy perceived tasks members environment writing experiment did task intelligence compared
#153 0.153 usage use self-efficacy social factors individual findings influence organizations beliefs individuals support anxiety technology workplace key outcome behavior contextual longitudinal
#87 0.104 team teams virtual members communication distributed performance global role task cognition develop technology involved time individual's affects project geographically individuals
#294 0.100 development systems methodology methodologies information framework approach approaches paper analysis use presented applied assumptions based proposed described examines basis proposes
#115 0.097 quality different servqual service high-quality difference used quantity importance use measure framework impact assurance better include means van dimensions assessing
#114 0.094 performance firm measures metrics value relationship firms results objective relationships firm's organizational traffic measure market study improve accounting measuring aggregate
#17 0.090 empirical model relationships causal framework theoretical construct results models terms paper relationship based argue proposed literature issues assumptions provide suggest
#296 0.086 collaboration support collaborative facilitation gss process processes technology group organizations engineering groupware facilitators use work tool address practitioners focused develop