Author List: Aladwani, Adel M.;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2002, Volume 19, Issue 1, Page 185-210.
This study makes an initial attempt to validate an integrated, theoretically driven performance model of information systems (IS) projects. IS project performance is defined in terms of task, psychological, and organizational outcomes. We draw upon different theoretical perspectives including IS, organizational teams, and project management to link six categories of variables to IS project performance: technology characteristics, project characteristics, task characteristics, people characteristics, organizational characteristics, and work processes. Data collected via a field survey of IS project leaders in 84 manufacturing organizations were used to test the proposed model. Support is found for three conclusions: (1) IS project performance is a multidimensional construct, (2) certain preconditions falling into the above categories have to exist to achieve a high performing IS project, and (3) there is a possible cross-relationship among the variables studied by IS research, organizational teams research, and project management research. We discuss the implications of this study for future research and managerial practice.
Keywords: information systems development; information systems projects; integrated performance models; project performance

List of Topics

#93 0.189 performance results study impact research influence effects data higher efficiency effect significantly findings impacts empirical significant suggest outcomes better positive
#135 0.174 project projects development management isd results process team developed managers teams software stakeholders successful complex develop contingencies problems greater planning
#4 0.134 characteristics experience systems study prior effective complexity deal reveals influenced companies type analyze having basis conducted determine complex comparative drive
#292 0.126 information research literature systems framework review paper theoretical based potential future implications practice discussed current concept propositions findings provided extant
#1 0.080 organizational organizations effectiveness factors managers model associated context characteristics variables paper relationships level attention environmental technological based maturity organization's relationship
#17 0.074 empirical model relationships causal framework theoretical construct results models terms paper relationship based argue proposed literature issues assumptions provide suggest
#106 0.071 integration present offer processes integrating current discuss perspectives related quality literature integrated benefits measures potential regarding issues finally taken propose