Author List: Lim, Kai H.; Benbasat, Izak;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2002, Volume 19, Issue 1, Page 99-127.
Text is the predominant form of organizational information. Comprehending text-based information requires intensive cognitive processing effort on the part of readers. Drawing on multimedia literature, this study identified a characteristic of multimedia presentations, namely complementary cues, which have the potential to improve the comprehensibility of organizational information. A set of hypotheses about the benefits of multimedia over text-based presentations was generated based on the theoretical perspective that we developed. These predictions were tested through a laboratory experiment using a simulated multimedia intranet. Results show that multimedia facilitates the retention and subsequent recall of explanative information but not of descriptive information. Explanative information is organized facts connected by their underlying functional relationships. Descriptive information consists of isolated facts without an explanation of the relationships between these facts. The ability to retain and recall explanative information, in turn, leads to a greater ability to make correct inferences about new organizational situations.
Keywords: human information processing; information comprehension; information presentation; information recall; learning and inference; multimedia

List of Topics

#170 0.236 information processing needs based lead make exchange situation examined ownership analytical improved situations changes informational examine developed receive perceptions facilitates
#206 0.197 multimedia voice presentation impression text biased bias image cue formats equivocality understanding present effective objects condition provide presentations images desire
#266 0.128 information presentation graphics format systems graphical graphs design recall representation comprehension experimental presentations experiment presented variables formats graphic tabular led
#133 0.068 data predictive analytics sharing big using modeling set power inference behavior explanatory related prediction statistical generated substantially novel building million
#1 0.064 organizational organizations effectiveness factors managers model associated context characteristics variables paper relationships level attention environmental technological based maturity organization's relationship
#219 0.054 response responses different survey questions results research activities respond benefits certain leads two-stage interactions study address respondents question directly categories