Author List: Bassellier, Genevive; Reich, Blaize Horner; Benbasat, Izak;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2001, Volume 17, Issue 4, Page 159-182.
This research explores the concept of the information technology (IT) competence of business managers, defined as the set of IT-related explicit and tacit knowledge that a business manager possesses that enables him or her to exhibit IT leadership in his or her area of business. A manager's knowledge of technologies, applications, systems development, and management of IT form his or her explicit IT knowledge. This domain further extends to include knowing who knows what, which enables the manager to leverage the knowledge of others. Tacit IT knowledge is conceptualized as a combination of experience and cognition. Experience relates to personal computing, IT projects, and overall management of IT. Cognition refers to two mental models: the manager's process view and his or her vision for the role of IT. The outcomes expected from IT-competent business managers are chiefly two behaviors: an increased willingness to form partnerships with IT people and an increased propensity to lead and participate in IT projects.
Keywords: explicit and tacit knowledge; information technology competence; information technology management

List of Topics

#221 0.224 competence experience versus individual disaster employees form npd concept context construct effectively focus functionalities front-end knowledge-intensive stage explores set definition
#144 0.213 knowledge transfer management technology creation organizational process tacit research study organization processes work organizations implications practice explicit models consultants transfers
#212 0.139 business digital strategy value transformation economy technologies paper creation digitization strategies environment focus net-enabled services processes insights challenges key response
#127 0.103 systems information research theory implications practice discussed findings field paper practitioners role general important key grounded researchers domain new identified
#88 0.087 managers managerial manager decisions study middle use important manager's appropriate importance context organizations indicate field experience management major organizational results
#250 0.072 enterprise improvement organizations process applications metaphors packaged technology organization help knows extends improved overcoming package learning better evolution build lead
#135 0.061 project projects development management isd results process team developed managers teams software stakeholders successful complex develop contingencies problems greater planning