Author List: Karimi, Jahangir; Somers, Toni M.; Gupta, Yash P.;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2001, Volume 17, Issue 4, Page 125-158.
Recently, despite huge incentives and subsequent increases in investment in customer relationship management technology, many firms have not been able to increase their customer satisfaction index ratings. The purpose of this paper is to gauge whether IT management practices differ among firms where IT has a major role in transforming marketing, operations, or both, which give the firms advantage by affecting their customer service. Several research hypotheses are tested using data obtained from a survey of 213 IT-leaders in the financial services industry. The results clearly indicate that the IT-leader firms have a higher level of IT management sophistication and a higher role for their IT-leaders compared to IT-enabled customer focus, IT-enabled operations focus, and IT-laggard firms. This paper concludes with the implications for both researchers and practitioners.
Keywords: customer relationship management; customer service; information technology impact on marketing and operation functions; information technology leader's role; information technology management practices; information technology management sophistication

List of Topics

#252 0.276 management practices technology information organizations organizational steering role fashion effective survey companies firms set planning focus committees executives managing committee
#288 0.202 customer customers crm relationship study loyalty marketing management profitability service offer retention it-enabled web-based interactions operations sales strategy channels set
#271 0.189 technology investments investment information firm firms profitability value performance impact data higher evidence diversification industry payoff return findings decisions greater
#276 0.074 satisfaction information systems study characteristics data results using user related field survey empirical quality hypotheses important success various indicate tested
#168 0.061 firms firm financial services firm's size examine new based result level including results industry important account does suggests characterize limited
#102 0.051 choice type functions nature paper literature particular implications function examine specific choices extent theoretical design discussion value widely finally adopted