Author List: Hilmer, Kelly M.; Dennis, Alan R.;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2000, Volume 17, Issue 3, Page 93-114.
Previous research shows that groupware improves the exchange of information within groups. However, the additional information does not often lead to better group decisions, probably because individuals fail to process the new information they receive. This study explored the use of groupware processes that required individuals in groups to categorize information, in order to induce group members to better attend to the new information received from others and to integrate it into their own individual decision-making processes. Different groupware processes had different effects on attention to and integration of information, and ultimately on decision quality. Groupware processes that provided categories to organize information and groupware processes that required the receiver of information to categorize information increased attention to information and integration of information, which led to improved individual decision quality.
Keywords: decision-making; group support systems (GSS); groupware; individual cognition; information exchange

List of Topics

#170 0.215 information processing needs based lead make exchange situation examined ownership analytical improved situations changes informational examine developed receive perceptions facilitates
#233 0.167 group gss support groups systems brainstorming research process electronic members results paper effects individual ebs using used anonymity ideas discussion
#296 0.152 collaboration support collaborative facilitation gss process processes technology group organizations engineering groupware facilitators use work tool address practitioners focused develop
#106 0.107 integration present offer processes integrating current discuss perspectives related quality literature integrated benefits measures potential regarding issues finally taken propose
#8 0.100 decision making decisions decision-making makers use quality improve performance managers process better results time managerial task significantly help indicate maker
#219 0.078 response responses different survey questions results research activities respond benefits certain leads two-stage interactions study address respondents question directly categories
#142 0.064 creativity ideas idea creative individual generation techniques individuals problem support cognitive ideation stimuli memory generate enhance generated solutions solving quality
#122 0.051 attention utilization existing codification model received does limitations theories receiving literature paying causes additional building examine examination focusing technological initial