Author List: Zhao, J. Leon; Kumar, Akhil; Stohr, Edward A.;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2000, Volume 17, Issue 3, Page 45-72.
Organizations require ways to efficiently distribute information such as news releases, seminar announcements, and memos. While the machinery for information storage, manipulation, and retrieval exists, research dealing directly with its distribution in an organizational context is scarce. In this paper, we address this need by first examining the pros and cons of the conventional "mailing lists" approach and then proposing new workflow mechanisms that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of information distribution through e-mail. The proposed approach is relevant to other information distribution approaches beyond e-mail. The main contributions of this study include: (1) offering a workflow perspective on organizational information distribution; (2) analysis of workflows in two new information distribution methods based on dynamic mailing lists and profile matching, respectively; and (3) proposing a new way of matching supply and demand of information that extends existing information filtering algorithms.
Keywords: electronic mail; information distribution; knowledge management; workflow management

List of Topics

#23 0.183 channel distribution demand channels sales products long travel tail new multichannel available product implications strategy allows internet revenue technologies times
#170 0.130 information processing needs based lead make exchange situation examined ownership analytical improved situations changes informational examine developed receive perceptions facilitates
#44 0.124 approach analysis application approaches new used paper methodology simulation traditional techniques systems process based using proposed method present provides various
#220 0.110 research study different context findings types prior results focused studies empirical examine work previous little knowledge sources implications specifically provide
#167 0.086 workflow tools set paper management specification command support formal implemented scenarios associated sequence large derived taxonomies called given systematic specifications
#154 0.072 memory support organizations information organizational requirements different complex require development provides resources organization paper transactive depth process outside difficult breadth
#203 0.062 communication media computer-mediated e-mail richness electronic cmc mail medium message performance convergence used communications messages face-to-face findings participants results work
#189 0.052 recommendations recommender systems preferences recommendation rating ratings preference improve users frame contextual using frames sensemaking filtering manipulation specific collaborative items