Author List: Susssman, Stephanie Watts; Siegal, Wendy Schneier;
Information Systems Research, 2003, Volume 14, Issue 1, Page 47-65.
This research investigates how knowledge workers are influenced to adopt the advice that they receive in mediated contexts. The research integrates the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis 1989) with dual-process models of information influence (e.g., Petty and Cacioppo 1986, Chaiken and Eagly 1976) to build a theoretical model of information adoption. This model highlights the assessment of information usefulness as a mediator of the information adoption process. Importantly, the model draws on the dual-process models to make predictions about the antecedents of information usefulness under different processing conditions. The model is investigated qualitatively first, using interviews of a sample of 40 consultants, and then quantitatively on another sample of 63 consultants from the same international consulting organization. Data reflect participants' perceptions of actual e-mails they received from colleagues consisting of advice or recommendations. Results support the model, suggesting that the process models used to understand information adoption can be generalized to the field of knowledge management, and that usefulness serves a mediating role between influence processes and information adoption. Organizational knowledge work is becoming increasingly global. This research offers a model for understanding knowledge transfer using computer-mediated communication.
Keywords: Computer-Mediated Communication; e-Mail; Field Study; Information Adoption; Informational Influence; Usefulness

List of Topics

#108 0.283 model research data results study using theoretical influence findings theory support implications test collected tested based empirical empirically context paper
#144 0.188 knowledge transfer management technology creation organizational process tacit research study organization processes work organizations implications practice explicit models consultants transfers
#170 0.139 information processing needs based lead make exchange situation examined ownership analytical improved situations changes informational examine developed receive perceptions facilitates
#49 0.092 adoption diffusion technology adopters innovation adopt process information potential innovations influence new characteristics early adopting set compatibility time initial current
#99 0.076 perceived usefulness acceptance use technology ease model usage tam study beliefs intention user intentions users behavioral perceptions determinants constructs studies
#203 0.069 communication media computer-mediated e-mail richness electronic cmc mail medium message performance convergence used communications messages face-to-face findings participants results work
#86 0.061 methods information systems approach using method requirements used use developed effective develop determining research determine assessment useful series critical existing