Author List: Karimi, Jahangir; Bhattacherjee, Anol; Gupta, Yash P.; Somers, Toni M.;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 2000, Volume 17, Issue 2, Page 207-230.
Despite the ever increasing importance of information technology (IT) in firms, the extent to which IT management practices are applied creatively to critical tasks varies widely across firms. For over a decade, firms have employed IT steering committees to manage their IT resources. However, the impacts of such committees on the IT management function have not been examined in depth. This paper hypothesized relationships between the level of sophistication of IT steering committees and level of IT sophistication of management within firms, and tested those relationships empirically via a field survey of 213 IT managers in the financial services industry. Results of the study suggest that presence and roles of IT steering committees are significantly related to the level and nature of IT management sophistication within firms. Firms interested in achieving the most benefit from their steering committees should carefully select their preferred roles depending on the type and the level of IT management sophistication desired. The article concludes with discussion and implications for IT researchers and firms' executives.
Keywords: information technology management; information technology management sophistication; steering committees

List of Topics

#252 0.389 management practices technology information organizations organizational steering role fashion effective survey companies firms set planning focus committees executives managing committee
#168 0.157 firms firm financial services firm's size examine new based result level including results industry important account does suggests characterize limited
#269 0.118 participation activities different roles projects examined outcomes level benefits conditions key importance isd suggest situations contextual furthermore benefit levels focus
#102 0.113 choice type functions nature paper literature particular implications function examine specific choices extent theoretical design discussion value widely finally adopted
#276 0.091 satisfaction information systems study characteristics data results using user related field survey empirical quality hypotheses important success various indicate tested
#295 0.052 task fit tasks performance cognitive theory using support type comprehension tools tool effects effect matching types theories modification working time