Author List: Tuomi, Ilkka;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 1999, Volume 16, Issue 3, Page 103-117.
The knowledge management literature often points out the importance of distinguishing among data, information, and knowledge. The generally accepted view sees data as simple facts that become information as data are combined into meaningful structures, which subsequently become knowledge as meaningful information is put into a context and when it can be used to make predictions. According to this view, data are a prerequisite for information, and information is a prerequisite for knowledge. This paper explores the conceptual hierarchy of data, information, and knowledge, showing that data emerge only after we have information, and that information emerges only after we already have knowledge. The reversed hierarchy of knowledge is shown to lead to a different approach in developing information systems that support knowledge management and organizational memory. It is also argued that this difference may have major implications for organizational flexibility and renewal.
Keywords: information; knowledge; knowledge management

List of Topics

#144 0.351 knowledge transfer management technology creation organizational process tacit research study organization processes work organizations implications practice explicit models consultants transfers
#6 0.174 data used develop multiple approaches collection based research classes aspect single literature profiles means crowd collected trend accuracy databases accurate
#170 0.151 information processing needs based lead make exchange situation examined ownership analytical improved situations changes informational examine developed receive perceptions facilitates
#88 0.137 managers managerial manager decisions study middle use important manager's appropriate importance context organizations indicate field experience management major organizational results
#154 0.086 memory support organizations information organizational requirements different complex require development provides resources organization paper transactive depth process outside difficult breadth