Author List: Berthon, Pierre; Pitt, Leyland; Ewing, Michael; Carr, Christopher L.;
Information Systems Research, 2002, Volume 13, Issue 4, Page 416-427.
Replications are an important component of scientific method in that they convert tentative belief to accepted knowledge. Given the espoused importance of replications to the extraction of knowledge from research, there is surprisingly little evidence of its practice or discussion of its importance in the management information systems literature. In this article we develop a framework within which to systematize the conceptualization of replications; we review and illustrate how some key information systems research fits into the framework and examine the factors that influence the selection of a research strategy. Our framework includes a conceptualization of the relationship among replication, extension, and generation in IS research. The concept of 'research space ' is defined and a framework is developed that delineates eight possible research strategies. Finally, the benefits of our framework to salient stakeholders in the research process are outlined.
Keywords: Research; Research Issues; Research Methodology; Research Models; Research Status; Theoretical

List of Topics

#292 0.340 information research literature systems framework review paper theoretical based potential future implications practice discussed current concept propositions findings provided extant
#125 0.190 framework model used conceptual proposed given particular general concept frameworks literature developed develop providing paper developing guidelines concepts appropriate set
#32 0.151 research studies issues researchers scientific methodological article conducting conduct advanced rigor researcher methodology practitioner issue relevance findings validation papers published
#263 0.063 instrument measurement factor analysis measuring measures dimensions validity based instruments construct measure conceptualization sample reliability development develop responses assess use