Author List: Wijnhoven, Fons;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 1999, Volume 16, Issue 1, Page 121-146.
Well-managed organizational memories have been emphasized in the recent management literature as important sources for business success. Organizational memory information systems (OMIS) have been conceptualized as a framework for information technologies to support these organizational memories. OMIS development may include several projects and may take many years. This paper classifies and analyzes OMIS development scenarios to provide guidance and support for OMIS development. This includes the definition of the roles of participants, a work schedule, and a definition of deliverables and deadlines. The mostly evolutionary nature of OMIS development requires that the results of these steps be monitored and adjusted when needed. Furthermore, a contingency framework and eight rules have been hypothesized, partially based on ex-post analysis of three cases (Veronica Broadcasting, Andersen Consulting, and Nationale-Nederlanden General Insurances). The paper provides concepts and a framework that may be an aid to research on refining the rules for analysis and design of OMIS.
Keywords: information systems development scenario; information systems project management; memory codification; OMIS infrastructure; OMIS superstructure; organizational memory information systems; process scenarios; situated systems development

List of Topics

#154 0.221 memory support organizations information organizational requirements different complex require development provides resources organization paper transactive depth process outside difficult breadth
#294 0.161 development systems methodology methodologies information framework approach approaches paper analysis use presented applied assumptions based proposed described examines basis proposes
#240 0.127 systems information management development presented function article discussed model personnel general organization described presents finally computer-based role examined functional components
#167 0.095 workflow tools set paper management specification command support formal implemented scenarios associated sequence large derived taxonomies called given systematic specifications
#77 0.094 information systems paper use design case important used context provide presented authors concepts order number various underlying implementation framework nature
#135 0.063 project projects development management isd results process team developed managers teams software stakeholders successful complex develop contingencies problems greater planning
#48 0.050 dimensions electronic multidimensional game transactions relative contrast channels theory sustained model predict dimension mixture evolutionary results unique traditional likely finite