Author List: Montealegre, Ramiro;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 1999, Volume 16, Issue 1, Page 207-232.
This empirical study of Internet adoption in four Latin American countries delineates a gradual but progressive course of institutional actions and suggests a temporal ordering of the actions--including knowledge building, subsidy, knowledge deployment, innovation directive, and standard setting. The temporal model reveals how each country sustained the momentum of its evolving strategy, grew in competence to forge technological solutions, and gained access to the Internet. The four countries' original goals changed, but through experience they perceived new opportunities and established evolving Internet strategies that form the bases of new technological services provided at the national level.
Keywords: adoption of information technology; global information technology infrastructure; information technology in less-developed countries; network development and implementation

List of Topics

#16 0.275 infrastructure information flexibility new paper technology building infrastructures flexible development human creating provide despite challenge possible resources specific advances developing
#164 0.155 countries global developing technology international country developed national economic policy domestic study foreign globalization world government nations innovative technological especially
#228 0.123 internet peer used access web influence traditional fraud world ecology services impact cases wide home studies addition choice 2008 telephone
#128 0.078 dynamic time dynamics model change study data process different changes using longitudinal understanding decisions develop temporal reveal associated state identifies
#112 0.077 services service network effects optimal online pricing strategies model provider provide externalities providing base providers fee complementary demand offer derive
#292 0.072 information research literature systems framework review paper theoretical based potential future implications practice discussed current concept propositions findings provided extant
#49 0.051 adoption diffusion technology adopters innovation adopt process information potential innovations influence new characteristics early adopting set compatibility time initial current