Author List: Kim, Yongbeom; Stohr, Edward A.;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 1998, Volume 14, Issue 4, Page 113-147.
Software reuse is the use of software resources from all stages of the software development process in new applications. Given the high cost and difficulty of developing high-quality software, the idea of capitalizing on previous software investments is appealing. However, software reuse has not been as effective as expected and has not been very broadly or systematically used in industry. This paper surveys recent software-reuse research using a framework that helps identify and organize the many factors that must be considered to achieve the benefits of software reuse in practice. We argue that software reuse needs to be viewed in the context of a total systems approach that addresses a broad range of technical, economic, managerial, organizational, and legal issues and conclude with a summary of the major research issues in each of these areas.
Keywords: reuse metrics; reuse process; reuse technologies; software reuse

List of Topics

#232 0.215 software development product functionality period upgrade sampling examines extent suggests factors considered useful uncertainty previous called complementarities greater cost present
#61 0.130 reuse results anchoring potential strategy assets leading reusability incentives impact bias situations effect similarity existing extraction reusable improvement necessary enhancing
#159 0.109 systems information objectives organization organizational development variety needs need efforts technical organizations developing suggest given effective designing lack help recent
#3 0.096 problems issues major involved legal future technological impact dealing efforts current lack challenges subsystem related highly present addressing likely recommendations
#116 0.067 research study influence effects literature theoretical use understanding theory using impact behavior insights examine influences mechanisms specifically context perspective findings
#125 0.067 framework model used conceptual proposed given particular general concept frameworks literature developed develop providing paper developing guidelines concepts appropriate set
#246 0.055 strategic benefits economic benefit potential systems technology long-term applications competitive company suggest additional companies industry operating costs difficult substantial total