Author List: Vreede, Gert-Jan de;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 1997, Volume 14, Issue 3, Page 141-164.
In an action research study at the Amsterdam Municipal Police Force, a collaborative business engineering approach was employed to explore the joint application of group support systems and animation techniques to support stakeholder involvement in organizational change processes. Stakeholders constructed and evaluated static and dynamic models of the police force's current and future work processes. Findings illustrate the complimentary potential of the two technologies to support stakeholder involvement in terms of efficiency, resulting model quality, and stakeholder satisfaction with process and technologies. The study illustrates the value of an incremental modeling strategy, the involvement of a substantial number of stakeholders, and the need to keep the momentum in the process. Issues for further research concern the development of a collaborative modeling environment that allows for group enabled model construction and viewing and the automatic transformation between different types of models.
Keywords: collaborative business engineering;group modeling;group support systems;simulation

List of Topics

#296 0.275 collaboration support collaborative facilitation gss process processes technology group organizations engineering groupware facilitators use work tool address practitioners focused develop
#184 0.133 modeling models model business research paradigm components using representation extension logical set existing way aspects issues current integrated languages traditional
#212 0.101 business digital strategy value transformation economy technologies paper creation digitization strategies environment focus net-enabled services processes insights challenges key response
#220 0.097 research study different context findings types prior results focused studies empirical examine work previous little knowledge sources implications specifically provide
#253 0.092 user involvement development users satisfaction systems relationship specific results successful process attitude participative implementation effective application authors suggested user's contingency
#44 0.070 approach analysis application approaches new used paper methodology simulation traditional techniques systems process based using proposed method present provides various