Author List: Baroudi, Jack J.; Igbaria, Magid;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 1994, Volume 11, Issue 3, Page 181-201.
We examine the differences and similarities in the human capital variables of male and female information systems (IS) workers and the affect these differences have on job outcomes. The human capital variables studied include age, education, organizational and job tenure, and number of years in the IS occupation. We found that even when controlling for the differences in human capital variables, women in IS still tend to be employed at lower levels of the organization, make less money, and have greater intentions to leave the organization.
Keywords: career success; gender differences; human capital; IS career.

List of Topics

#218 0.354 role roles gender differences women significant play age men plays sample differ played vary understand critical greater implications relatively offered
#298 0.218 job employees satisfaction work role turnover employee organizations organizational information ambiguity characteristics personnel stress professionals conflict organization intention variables systems
#109 0.195 career human professionals job turnover orientations careers capital study resource personnel advancement configurations employees mobility jobs management individuals pay non-it
#286 0.076 success model failure information impact variables failures delone suggested dimensions mclean reasons variable finally categories years recommendations benefits studies identify