Author List: Dennis, Alan R.; Jr., Robert M. Daniels; Nunamaker, Jr., Jay F.;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 1993, Volume 10, Issue 3, Page 117-138.
This article describes a three-month pilot project to model and re-engineer an internal business unit of a major multinational firm using Enterprise Analyzer, a methodology and supporting group software tool for modeling and analyzing business processes. The methodology combines collaborative model building with creative problem reframing to enable multilevel, cross-functional business teams to quickly examine and redesign business processes. The tools developed for this project extend the capabilities of existing electronic meeting system technology to help groups build complex representations of their organization. The results of this pilot project suggest that the methodology and supporting tools can be effectively applied to re-engineer business processes, but also suggest the need for better ways to help groups accept innovative ideas. Many innovative ideas were generated, but few made it past the participants' evaluation and into the project's final recommendations.
Keywords: business process modeling; creativity; electronic meeting system; group support system; problem refraining; re-engineering.

List of Topics

#257 0.181 group support groups meeting gdss decision systems meetings technology study electronic ems task process communication computer-supported outcomes quality consensus face-to-face
#135 0.121 project projects development management isd results process team developed managers teams software stakeholders successful complex develop contingencies problems greater planning
#69 0.119 process business reengineering processes bpr redesign paper research suggests provide past improvements manage enable organizations regarding focal cycle creating issues
#142 0.103 creativity ideas idea creative individual generation techniques individuals problem support cognitive ideation stimuli memory generate enhance generated solutions solving quality
#184 0.102 modeling models model business research paradigm components using representation extension logical set existing way aspects issues current integrated languages traditional
#57 0.092 decision support systems making design models group makers integrated article delivery representation portfolio include selection effective claims decisions rationale various
#59 0.074 capabilities capability firm firms performance resources business information technology firm's resource-based competitive it-enabled view study value infrastructure results organizational model