Author List: Larsen, Tor J.;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 1993, Volume 10, Issue 2, Page 155-176.
This research investigated whether implemented information technology (IT) innovation could best be explained by a general tendency among middle managers to create implemented business innovation or by experience with IT. The results indicated that middle managers responsible for implemented business innovation also generated IT innovation while managers' practical (hands-on or delegated) use of IT was not shown to result in more implemented IT innovation. Middle managers who actively used support functions (secretaries, staff, or IT experts) for help and discussion of IT-related issues created and implemented a greater amount of IT innovation. Implemented business and IT innovations related to the variables of attitude toward change and peer recognition for their implemented innovations but not to internal and external networking. Peers recognized their fellow managers for their implemented business innovation but not for their IT-related achievements.
Keywords: business innovation; end-user computing; information technology innovation; middle manager; networking behavior; peer recognition

List of Topics

#210 0.277 innovation innovations innovative organizing technological vision disruptive crowdsourcing path implemented explain base opportunities study diversity taking actors practice shape creation
#88 0.177 managers managerial manager decisions study middle use important manager's appropriate importance context organizations indicate field experience management major organizational results
#123 0.108 information strategy strategic technology management systems competitive executives role cio chief senior executive cios sis support organization officer position ceos
#83 0.086 personal computers use lead order using users pcs innovativeness understanding professional help forces gained usage increase trends parallel introduced expressed
#228 0.071 internet peer used access web influence traditional fraud world ecology services impact cases wide home studies addition choice 2008 telephone
#69 0.058 process business reengineering processes bpr redesign paper research suggests provide past improvements manage enable organizations regarding focal cycle creating issues
#58 0.057 internal external audit auditing results sources closure auditors study control bridging appears integrity manager effectiveness auditor controls facilitating boundaries potential