Author List: Raghu, T. S; Ramesh, Ram; Chang, Ai-Mei; Whinston, Andrw B.;
Information Systems Research, 2001, Volume 12, Issue 4, Page 363-383.
The facilitation and analytical support of argumentation-based collaborative decision making is the focus of this research. We model collaborative decision making as an argumentation process. We develop a connectionist modeling framework, a network representation formalism for argument structures, connectionist network mechanisms, and their models of computations to extract the behavior of argument structures. We use two examples from the case study literature to illustrate the concepts. Several interesting properties of the connectionist network models are observed from our computational results. We find that although the length of the computation is affected by parametric values, the final activation levels of the units are largely unaffected. We observe that the initial activation levels of the defeasible units seem to have no effect on their final activation levels. The proposed modeling approach generates valuable insights into the characteristics of specific argumentative discussions. While the intention of this work is not to introduce the connectionist paradigm as a means to bring arguments to a closure (resolution), we show that certain resolution mechanisms can be easily implemented under the connectionist framework.
Keywords: Argumentation; Collaborative Decision Making; Connectionist Modeling; Dialectical Support

List of Topics

#97 0.177 set approach algorithm optimal used develop results use simulation experiments algorithms demonstrate proposed optimization present analytical distribution selection number existing
#184 0.157 modeling models model business research paradigm components using representation extension logical set existing way aspects issues current integrated languages traditional
#268 0.121 arguments retailers manufacturers retailer internet claim manufacturer consumer argumentation referral agency store third-party upstream argument wholesale rely samples electronic plus
#8 0.106 decision making decisions decision-making makers use quality improve performance managers process better results time managerial task significantly help indicate maker
#296 0.097 collaboration support collaborative facilitation gss process processes technology group organizations engineering groupware facilitators use work tool address practitioners focused develop
#125 0.080 framework model used conceptual proposed given particular general concept frameworks literature developed develop providing paper developing guidelines concepts appropriate set
#254 0.068 level levels higher patterns activity results structures lower evolution significant analysis degree data discussed implications stable cluster exist relationships identify
#140 0.052 model use theory technology intention information attitude acceptance behavioral behavior intentions research understanding systems continuance models planned percent attitudes predict