Author List: Lee, Soonchul;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 1991, Volume 8, Issue 2, Page 135-151.
This paper explores a model of the impact of office information systems (OIS) on potential personal power and influence in an organization. The focus is on how OIS can increase the potential power and influence of an individual. I have drawn from power base theory to identify five bases of power that would, hypothetically, provide the potential for an individual's influence in an organization: (1) resource provision; (2) irreplaceability; (3) authority; (4) network centrality; and (5) expertise. To explore this conceptual model, data were collected from 136 users of well-established office information systems. This pilot study provides general support for our model that the impact of OIS on potential personal influence can be explained through its effects on the five power bases. In particular, the data indicate that network centrality is the most significant contributor to potential personal influence for administrative personnel, while resource provision is the most significant factor for technical personnel.
Keywords: Office information systems; ORGANIZATIONAL POWER

List of Topics

#108 0.223 model research data results study using theoretical influence findings theory support implications test collected tested based empirical empirically context paper
#240 0.212 systems information management development presented function article discussed model personnel general organization described presents finally computer-based role examined functional components
#34 0.155 negotiation negotiations using potential power agreement paper bases partners ending negotiators offers visualization messaging instant audio e-marketplaces provide positions agents
#282 0.095 power perspective process study rational political perspectives politics theoretical longitudinal case social rationality formation construction shows multiple instead understanding fact
#249 0.078 network networks social analysis ties structure p2p exchange externalities individual impact peer-to-peer structural growth centrality participants sharing economic ownership embeddedness
#214 0.070 resource resources allocation chargeback manager effectiveness problem firms case gap allocating diverse dependence just bridge cooperative criticality acquisition duplication extent
#83 0.065 personal computers use lead order using users pcs innovativeness understanding professional help forces gained usage increase trends parallel introduced expressed
#299 0.052 office document documents retrieval automation word concept clustering text based automated created individual functions major approach operations prototype identify report