Author List: Bakos, J. Yannis;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 1991, Volume 8, Issue 2, Page 31-52.
Interorganizational information systems—i.e., systems spanning more than a single organization—are proliferating as companies become aware of the potential of these systems to affect interorganizational interactions in terms of economic efficiency and strategic conduct. This new technology can have a far-reaching impact on the structure of entire industries. This article identifies two types of interorganizational information systems: information links and electronic markets. It then explores how economic models can be employed to study the implications of information links for the coordination of individual organizations with their customers and their suppliers, and the implications of electronic market systems for efficiency and competition in vertical markets. Finally, the strategic significance of interorganizational systems is addressed, and certain potential long-term impacts on the structure of markets, industries, and organizations are discussed.
Keywords: Electronic Markets; information links; intercorporate coordination; Interorganizational Information Systems; Strategic Information Systems

List of Topics

#240 0.305 systems information management development presented function article discussed model personnel general organization described presents finally computer-based role examined functional components
#84 0.204 electronic markets commerce market new efficiency suppliers internet changes marketplace analysis suggests b2b marketplaces industry examine easy product making physical
#246 0.118 strategic benefits economic benefit potential systems technology long-term applications competitive company suggest additional companies industry operating costs difficult substantial total
#117 0.108 standards interorganizational ios standardization standard systems compatibility effects cooperation firms industry benefits open interoperability key heterogeneous vertical propose vendors collective
#291 0.075 local global link complex view links particularly need thought number supports efforts difficult previously linked achieving simple poor individual rise
#35 0.068 technology organizational information organizations organization new work perspective innovation processes used technological understanding technologies transformation consequences perspectives use administrative economic
#256 0.067 coordination mechanisms work contingencies boundaries temporal coordinating vertical associated activities different coordinate suggests dispersed coordinated horizontal relative demand spatial hours