Author List: Dennis, Alan R.; Nunamaker, Jr., Jay F.; Vogel, Douglas R.;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 1990, Volume 7, Issue 3, Page 107-135.
Research into the use of Electronic Meeting Systems (EMS) has rapidly increased over the past few years. However, EMS laboratory experiments have often drawn very different conclusions about the effects of EMS use than have EMS field studies--conclusions that at first appear inconsistent. By examining the differences in the design of prior EMS studies, we attempt to better understand the factors that affect the use of EMS technology. It is our contention that these differences in findings are not inconsistent, but rather they reflect different situations that researchers have studied. We identify 24 potentially important differences in organizational contexts, group characteristics, tasks, and EMS environments. In planning future research, EMS researchers need to make explicit design decisions for each of these aspects, and to consider how those choices may affect research results. An analysis of these differences suggests several approaches to enhance the design of future laboratory experiments and field studies.
Keywords: decision support systems; electronic meeting systems; research methodologies

List of Topics

#257 0.246 group support groups meeting gdss decision systems meetings technology study electronic ems task process communication computer-supported outcomes quality consensus face-to-face
#51 0.215 results study research experiment experiments influence implications conducted laboratory field different indicate impact effectiveness future participants evidence test controlled involving
#145 0.116 differences analysis different similar study findings based significant highly groups popular samples comparison similarities non-is variety reveals imitation versus suggests
#220 0.089 research study different context findings types prior results focused studies empirical examine work previous little knowledge sources implications specifically provide
#222 0.075 research researchers framework future information systems important present agenda identify areas provide understanding contributions using literature studies paper potential review
#193 0.070 time use size second appears form larger benefits combined studies reasons selected underlying appear various significantly result include make attention