Author List: Krishnan, Ramayya; Li, Xiaoping; Steier, David; Zhao, J. Leon;
Information Systems Research, 2001, Volume 12, Issue 3, Page 286.
Retrieving information from heterogeneous database systems involves a complex process and remains a challenging research area.We propose a cognitively guided approach for developing an information-retrieval agent that takes the user's information request, identifies relevant information sources,and generates a multidatabase access plan. Our work is distinctive in that the agent design is based on an empirical study of how human experts retrieve information from multiple, heterogeneous database systems. To improve on empirically observed information-retrieval capabilities, the design incorporates mathematical models and algorithmic components. These components optimize the set of information sources that need to be considered to respond to a user query and are used to develop efficient multidatabase-access plans. This agent design, which integrates cognitive and mathematical models, has been implemented using Soar, a knowledge-based architecture.
Keywords: Global Query Optimization; Heterogeneous Database Systems; Information Integration; Maximal Objects; Soar-Based Al Systems; Universal Relational Model

List of Topics

#97 0.168 set approach algorithm optimal used develop results use simulation experiments algorithms demonstrate proposed optimization present analytical distribution selection number existing
#281 0.148 database language query databases natural data queries relational processing paper using request views access use matching automated semantic based languages
#159 0.147 systems information objectives organization organizational development variety needs need efforts technical organizations developing suggest given effective designing lack help recent
#283 0.134 interface user users interaction design visual interfaces human-computer navigation human need cues studies guidelines laboratory functional developed restricted know guided
#180 0.114 multiple elements process environments complex integrated interdependencies design different developing integration order approach dialogue framework capabilities settings building focus distinct
#220 0.097 research study different context findings types prior results focused studies empirical examine work previous little knowledge sources implications specifically provide
#71 0.081 distributed agents agent intelligent environments environment smart computational environmental scheduling human rule using does embodied provide trends computer-aided heterogeneous inventory