Author List: Mingers, John;
Information Systems Research, 2001, Volume 12, Issue 3, Page 240.
T his paper puts forward arguments in favor of a pluralist approach t IS research.Rather than advocating a single paradigm,be it interpretive or positivist,or even a plurality of paradigms within the discipline as a whole,it suggests that research results will be richer and more reliable if different research methods,preferably from different (existing)paradigms,are routinely combined together.The paper is organized into three sections after the Introduction. In §2,the main arguments for the desirability of multimethod research are put forward,while §3 discusses its feasibility in theory and practice. §4 outlines two frameworks that are helpful in designing mixed-method research studies.These are illustrated with a critical evaluation of three examples of empirical research.
Keywords: Critical Pluralism; Critical Realism; IS Research Methods; Methodology; Multimethodology; Paradigm; Qualitative Research

List of Topics

#82 0.313 case study studies paper use research analysis interpretive identify qualitative approach understanding critical development managerial elements exploring points positivist presents
#21 0.233 research information systems science field discipline researchers principles practice core methods area reference relevance conclude set focus propose perspective inquiry
#289 0.133 qualitative methods quantitative approaches approach selection analysis criteria used mixed methodological aspects recent selecting combining known conclusions included article appropriateness
#175 0.115 taxonomy systems different concept isd alternative generalization mechanistic distinction types generalizability theoretical speech richer induction original form inductive empirical organic