Author List: Liberatore, Matthew J.; Titus, George J.; Dixon, Paul W.;
Journal of Management Information Systems, 1988, Volume 5, Issue 3, Page 85-99.
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of differences in task, display, and viewer characteristics on interpretation accuracy, viewer preference, and subjects' utility ratings of the displays. Practicing engineering managers at Lockheed-Georgia company were the subjects. Display format influenced interpretation accuracy only through its interaction with task-related variables. Although improvement in interpretation accuracy occurred over time, no comparative advantage of graphs over tables was found. No clear viewer preferences for graphs or tables were expressed, except at the conclusion of the experiment, when tables were favored for finance-related reports. Tables were generally perceived to be more useful in answering interpretation accuracy questions, although the results were not as definitive in the detailed analysis. Personality type, as measured by field-independence/dependence, was unrelated to differences in interpretation accuracy and viewer preference.
Keywords: Graphics in information systems; information media.

List of Topics

#177 0.274 decision accuracy aid aids prediction experiment effects accurate support making preferences interaction judgment hybrid perceptual strategy account context restrictiveness taking
#266 0.238 information presentation graphics format systems graphical graphs design recall representation comprehension experimental presentations experiment presented variables formats graphic tabular led
#9 0.166 using subjects results study experiment did conducted task time used experienced use preference experimental presented decision-making empirical significantly effects better
#42 0.137 perceived results study field individual support effects microcomputer pressure external usefulness test psychological obligations characteristics variables indicate existence availability investigating
#217 0.089 search information display engine results engines displays retrieval effectiveness relevant process ranking depth searching economics create functions incorporate low terms