Author List: Alavi, Maryam; Leidner, Dorothy E.;
Information Systems Research, 2001, Volume 12, Issue 1, Page 1.
The past decade has witnessed a dramatic increase in the development of technology-based teaching and learning. For example, in the university landscape a prominent change has been the increase in virtual course offerings, otherwise referred to as distance learning. Since 1998, the number of universities offering some form of distance learning has increased by 33%. The objective of this essay is to motivate future research and dialogue on technology-mediated learning (TML) by suggesting some potentially productive research venues in this area TML is defined as an environment in which the learner's interactions with learning materials, peers, and instructors are mediated through advanced information technologies. The term "Information technology" broadly refers to computing, communication, and data management technologies, and their convergence. The focus of the essay is on learning from instruction in the context of post secondary educational environments, although the issues are also relevant to corporate training.
Keywords: Education Research; Information Technology in Higher Education.; Online Education; Online Learning and Instruction; Technology-Mediated Learning; Technology-Supported Learning

List of Topics

#12 0.209 students education student course teaching schools curriculum faculty future experience educational university undergraduate mba business technologies graduate courses programs subjects
#95 0.160 learning mental conceptual new learn situated development working assumptions improve ess existing investigates capture advanced proposes types context building acquisition
#21 0.126 research information systems science field discipline researchers principles practice core methods area reference relevance conclude set focus propose perspective inquiry
#14 0.083 training learning outcomes effectiveness cognitive technology-mediated end-user methods environments longitudinal skills performance using effective method e-learning web-based basic ability learn
#148 0.079 productivity information technology data production investment output investments impact returns using labor value research results evidence spillovers industries analysis gains
#154 0.059 memory support organizations information organizational requirements different complex require development provides resources organization paper transactive depth process outside difficult breadth
#120 0.052 virtual world worlds co-creation flow users cognitive life settings environment place environments augmented second intention spatial interactivity ownership objects immersive