Author List: Grover, Varun; Kohli, Rajiv;
MIS Quarterly, 2013, Volume 37, Issue 2, Page 655-662.
Digital business strategies (DBS) offer significant opportunities for firms to enhance competitiveness. Unlike the large proprietary systems of the 1980s, today's "micro-applications" allow firms to create and reconfigure digital capabilities to appropriate short-term competitive advantage. In the quest to provide value to customers through digitization, such applications can be efficiently deployed. However, we propose that in the long-term not all digitization is desirable. Indiscriminate digital initiatives through the use of micro-applications by a firm could "reveal its hand" to competitors and erode competitiveness. We propose that a firm's DBS must balance its system-software, process, and information-visibility with the ability to appropriate value from such systems. Through a visibility-value framework, and examples drawn from practice, this article illustrates the tradeoffs involved in making these choices as the firm traverses a dynamic business environment. In doing so, it raises sensitivity to an important caveat in digital environments epitomized by hyper-competition and transparency.
Keywords: digital business strategy; flexibility; phasing

List of Topics

#36 0.266 competitive advantage strategic systems information sustainable sustainability dynamic opportunities capabilities environments environmental turbulence turbulent dynamics key quest create sustained ability
#212 0.248 business digital strategy value transformation economy technologies paper creation digitization strategies environment focus net-enabled services processes insights challenges key response
#246 0.099 strategic benefits economic benefit potential systems technology long-term applications competitive company suggest additional companies industry operating costs difficult substantial total
#26 0.098 business large organizations using work changing rapidly make today's available designed need increasingly recent manage years activity important allow achieve
#97 0.077 set approach algorithm optimal used develop results use simulation experiments algorithms demonstrate proposed optimization present analytical distribution selection number existing
#168 0.069 firms firm financial services firm's size examine new based result level including results industry important account does suggests characterize limited
#179 0.059 technologies technology new findings efficiency deployed common implications engineers conversion change transformational opportunity deployment make making improve powerful choosing enhance